November 5, 2014
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We turned in a $30 donation for the Read-a-thon today! That’s so amazing! Thank you so much to everybody who pledged and helped us out.
Reading is so fun for us anyway, but it was really cool to know that our reading was helping someone.
October 31, 2014
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Happy Halloween!
Yesterday was the last day of reading for our read-a-thon. We had so much fun reading!
The Grand Totals
Squeaker – 49 books
Tootles – 46 books
Binks – 37 books
Lunchbucket – 32 books

Pledgers! Now it’s your turn. Check your reader’s Grand Total and multiply that by your pledge and send us the money by November 4th. Any way you can get it to us is awesome! If you need any information from me send an email to and I will be happy to help you out with that.
Thank you so much for your support!
October 29, 2014
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If this read-a-thon has taught me anything, it’s that I make a terrible blogger! So much for my promised “daily” reports. Oh well!
Here are the stats for days 9 (Oct 23rd) through 15 (Oct 29th):
Lunchbucket – 11 books
Tootles – 13 books
Binks – 10 books
Squeaker – 12 books
And here are the overall numbers, so far:
Lunchbucket – 30 books
Binks – 32 books
Squeaker – 43 books
Tootles – 42 books
Those numbers are so awesome! Tomorrow is the last day of reading!
October 23, 2014
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Any day we go to the library for any reason is practically a holiday at our house. I love that my kids love the library!
Reader Stats
Binks – 3 today, 17 total
Tootles – 3 today, 24 total
Lunchbucket – 6 today, 19 total
Squeaker – 6 today, 29 total

October 22, 2014
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So, Mom got sick and everything fell apart for a few days. All is better now, and I’m ready to get back to the read-a-thon blogging. Yay!

These books are a cute idea, but I’ve never actually seen anyone put their baby’s picture in the book, have you?
Reader Stats (for all 5 of the days I didn’t update)
Tootles – 10 books
Squeaker – 8 books
Lunchbucket – 5 books
Binks – 3 books
Overall Stats (for the whole Read-a-thon, so far)
Binks – 9 books
Squeaker – 19 books
Lunchbucket – 8 books
Tootles – 18 books